Sign In
A link to your shop database is included with each emailed shop report. However, you can also click the CLIENTS link at the top of any page on Advanced Feedback’s website.
Home Page
The home page has been customized and pre-filtered to provide each franchisee an overview of their shops results by quarter (first table), by location rank (second table), and by survey criteria (third table).
When you first log in, the filter will only show the quarter containing the most recent shop report. To expand first page results beyond the most recent period, use the magnifying glass to select additional periods or simply highlight the current period and hit delete and enter.
In addition, there are two points of reference to compare your results to others; the Company Year-to-Date gauge and a chart comparing all franchisees using a number code. Your franchise number code is the first three digits in the location ID, view this on any report such as those scrolling in the bottom right corner of the home page.
Survey Explorer
To search for individual shop reports, video or phone calls, use the expanded filter in Survey Explorer.
Reports Portal
Use the standard Reports Portal to quickly generate charts comparing any measured metric, such as Franchisee (visible to Crunch Franchise only), location, associate, quarter/month, etc.
Custom Rollups
Use Custom Rollups to tabulate and export to spreadsheet any measured metric such as Franchisee (visible to Crunch Franchise only), location, associate, quarter/month, etc.
Request for Corrective Action
Request for Action (RFA) – Correcting video shop reports.
Advanced Feedback will inspect videos prior to delivery to provide shopper technical feedback and keep an eye out for audio/video that may require editing or removal. Neither the video shopper nor Advanced Feedback have the client perspective nor opportunity to compare at length the recorded experience with the survey responses. If at any time during playback you believe a different survey response better reflects your staff’s performance, we will gladly revise the survey. The system we use to do this is called Request For Action (RFA). Here is a quick guide on how to request a change using the RFA procedure in your shop database.
“Take part in this revolutionary customer service overhaul.”
Let Advanced Feedback’s expertise in mystery shopping, undercover video, phone shopping and customer surveys evaluate your frontline performance. Managing with an objective feedback system will change how customers see your business. No business is too small or too large. Request a quote today.
The leading mystery shopping company in the United States, Canada and Mexico since 1991, with over 2 million business evaluations. We offer completely customized mystery shopping services that connect your vision of success to the complete satisfaction of your customers.
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